Sleep Loss leading to junk food cravings!

Studies show up the link between the craving s for Junk food leading to loss of Sleep. Recent studies show that Snacks and Junk food during the night may contribute to unhealthy sleep and leading diabetes.
Researchers conducted a survey of 3,105 adults who were asked if they regualrly consumed junk food and loss of sleep led them to crave for more junk and snacks.
Almost 60%  of the participants stated regular night time snacking  and two third agreed upon the statement that loss of sleep led them to have junk food. Major poor  sleep quality seemed  to be a great predictor of  junk food cravers and these participants were reporting of Diabtes, Obesity and other major health issue’s.
Experts also say that, what you do in the day, gives you Insomnia at Night. Sleepless nights will make us reach more to the pizza or other junk than the wholesome grains and leafy vegetables.

Certain foods, what we eat interfere sleep. Caffeine is one of the obvious thing which interferes sleep. Its Surprising that half of the people over age 65 have sleeping difficulties.  Researchers using the functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scanned the brains of 23 healthy young adults 1st after the normal regular sleep and then after a sleepless night. They found impaired activity in the sleep-deprived brain’s frontal lobe, which governs complex decision-making, but increased activity in deeper brain centers that respond to rewards. Moreover, the participants favored unhealthy snack and junk foods when they were sleep deprived. High-calorie foods also became significantly more desirable when participants were sleep-deprived. This combination of altered brain activity and decision-making may help explain why people who sleep less also tend to be overweight or obese.”

These results shed light on how the brain becomes impaired by sleep deprivation, leading to the selection of more unhealthy foods and, ultimately, higher rates of obesity. On a positive note, research findings indicate that “getting enough sleep is one factor that can help promote weight control by priming the brain mechanisms governing appropriate food choices.”

Want to know more about the sleep deprivation and Junk food craving. Join the researchers at our International event.
2nd International Conference on Nutrition, Food Science and Technology
April 08-09, 2019 | Abu Dhabi, UAE

Fast Food promoting Asthma and Allergic diseases

Fast Foods one of the mass produced food than the ever pure Traditional foods. One of the most easily made and quickly served food. Fast food are grown up very easily and has become unstoppable. Fast foods are calorically high, more in carbohydrates, sugar, cholesterol, saturated fats, additives, preservatives. The concentrations  of  the unwanted factors to our body and available in dense in fast foods.    
Studies revealed that consumption of fast foods especially with high fats and cholesterol may lead to severe asthma and other respiratory problems. In the recent analytical studies, out of 16 cases, 13 cross sectional cases revealed the linkage of Asthma with the consumption of Fast food. Eating fast food is linked to childhood Obesity. And then what about eczema,allergy and asthma .Prior studies have revealed the relation between allergy and asthma. The results of this study suggest that fast food consumption may be contributing to the increasing prevalence of asthma, rhinoconjunctivitis, and eczema in adolescents and children, whereas fruit intake showed a protective association

Consumption of  fast food three to more times per week was associated with a 39% increased risk of severe asthma in adolescents and 27% increased risk among children, as well as an increased risk of severe rhinoconjunctivitis and severe eczema. On the other hand, intake of fruit three or more times per week was associated with an 11% decrease in the prevalence of severe asthma in adolescents and a 14% decrease in younger children.Further  studies in children are needed to address this limitation, this study adds to the previous literature by suggesting that a person’s diet may contribute to disease severity for asthma and other allergic conditions.
Additional studies are needed to confirm the relationships seen in the newest analysis, however, and to identify potential causal associations between the intake  of fast food and allergic diseases needed to know soon.

Join for further discussions with Food Tech researchers and doctors at our 2nd International Conference on Nutrition, Food Science and Technology.

Salt Consumption: Health Strategies

People can make a healthy diet plans for their healthy living. What about the high salt diets which gives a negative effects on health. Eating more vegetables and fresh fruits which is naturally high in potassium and low in sodium. Eating less bread, cheese and processed foods which are high in Sodium and low in potassium.
Recent studies revealed that, people following high salt diets have negative effects on health and incur many changes in daily health. Studeis found that, People on high sodium diet and low potassium diet have the chances of getting the risk of heart attack, leading to death.
There are chances of 20% of higher salt intake than with people following lower sodium intake.
The chances of death are even more deadliest when the ratio of Sodim to potassium relationship is more in the diet. The risk is more of dying due to heart attack when compared to people having a lower ratio of Sodium to potassium.

Sources of risk factors:
People above age 50
People with high Blood pressure
Diabetic patients
African Americans

Effects of more Sodium:
The Kidneys are the most damaged organs affected due to excess of salt consumption.The kidneys have the trouble keeping all the excess sodium which accumulates in the body. The sodium holds the water in the body for dilution. This process increases the fluid surounding the cells and volume of the blood in the blood stream. Sodium is the electrolyte of the body. It maintains the intracellular and extra cellular fluids in the right balance. Cutting the sodium in the diet, will reduce the risk of many disorders.

Studies show that salt restriction causes adverse effects on health:
Increased LDL and Triglycerides: In a massive review, low sodium diets were found to cause an increase in LDL (the "bad" cholesterol) by 4.6% and an increase in triglycerides by 5.9% .
Insulin resistance: In one study, just 7 days on a low sodium diet increased insulin resistance, a leading cause of obesity, diabetes and metabolic syndrome .
Hyponatremia: In athletes, a low sodium intake can cause hyponatremia, a sodium deficiency which can be very dangerous .

The Importance of Other Dietary Factors
There are many lifestyle factors that can influence blood pressure to an even greater degree than sodium restriction.

Some of them include the minerals magnesium and potassium, which you should be getting if you eat plenty of animals and plants .
Another way is to indulge in a bit of dark chocolate every now and then.
A low-carb diet lowers insulin levels, which causes the kidneys to excrete excess sodium from the body (15, 16). Low-carb diets are an excellent way to reduce blood pressure and improve health .
And last but not least, exercise is a very powerful way to reduce blood pressure and will improve your health in more ways than you can imagine
It seems fairly ridiculous to me to blindly focus on sodium, when there are so many other lifestyle factors that can have a much stronger effect.

How Much Sodium is Optimal?
If your doctor has recommended that you limit sodium for whatever reason, then by all means continue to do so.
However, for people who are generally healthy and want to stay healthy, there doesn't seem to be any reason to be even remotely concerned about moderate intakes of sodium.
Studies actually show that the effects of sodium may follow a J-shaped curve. Too little and too much are both harmful, the sweet spot is somewhere in between .
Given that most people get most of their sodium from processed foods and that studies on sodium restriction don't show any benefit.
Eat real food. Add salt whenever appropriate to make your food taste good.

Are omega-3s good for your brain?

Did you know that the actual reason for memory loss comes with the Omega-3 Fat. A minimum dosage of 900mg of the omega-3 fat can reverse Memory loss. There is no question that Essential fatty acids like Omega-3 are very crucial for Brain functioning.

Healthy fats keep our skin and body healthy and they also contribute for the continuing cardiovascular health. Fats are categorized into the qualifying health fats and all fats are not equal of course. It is important to choose which can get rancid in temperatures, excessive animal fats and saturated fats, and to get rid from trans-fats completely. Considering our weight, gut and heart health, gravitate instead toward health and beauty-promoting mono and polyunsaturated fats which provide us with essential fatty acids like Omega-3s (alpha-linoleic acid) and balanced levels of Omega 6s (linoleic acid).These fats are truly important as we need to survive, as our body cannot create them, we need to get it from the foods we eat.

The power of  fats in helping to protect our cardiovascular systems, normalizing and regulating triglyceride levels in the blood, reducing LDL cholesterol (the bad kind) and elevating HDL levels (the good kind) simply cannot be overstated.

Essentials of essential fats:
Essential Omega-3’s help in regulating the cardiovascular health and in assisting the body in healthy creation of the cells and also regulating the heart beat.Omega’s also are the starting points for the creation of hormones necessary for blood clotting . These keep our body and skin nourished.
Brain Cells: Omega-3 help in the brain cell structure. As we know the human brain has enormous number of cells and each cell is covered with a outer membrane of fat(lipid). A typical human brain actually consists of 60% of fat. So that is the reason we should include fats in our diets.
Fetal Brain:  Studies reveal that pregnant women who have consumed omega3’s showed better behavioral developments than who have not consumed the essential fats.
Anti-aging:  Omega-3’s have an amazing anti-aging effects on the brain. It repairs the memory loss of the people age.

Lack of the essential fats (Omega-3s) will lead to serious implications like:
Alzheimer’s disease
Bipolar (manic-depressive) disorder
Memory loss

So see what’s the best omega-3 for you for the healthy development and a sharper future, Join us for more at our 2nd International Conference on Nutrition, Food Science and Technology

2nd International Conference on Nutrition, Food Science and Technology April 08-09, 2019 | Abu Dhabi, UAE

Food and Nutrition Research builds the integral relationship between the food and a nutritional benefit which brings together outstand...