We have probably heard a million times that
sugar affects our system, but still it’s worth repeating. Added sugars in our
diet is the worst ingredient that we include in our regular decorum, as it
contains whole lot of calories (Sucrose, Fructose) with no essential nutrients.
This is the reason it’s called Empty Calories. There is an increasing pressure
on various studies to make a move to completely stop the consumption of sugar
for a healthy metabolism, as sugar indirectly causes Obesity.
Sugar nevertheless is found in the form of many
sources. The natural sugars are found in the foods like Milk (Lactose), Fruits
and Honey. These are also called as Free Sugars while other set of Sugars is the Artificial or Added sugars which
are high risk when consumed.
World Nutrition and Health Professionals recommend only to an
extent of 5% of the added or natural sugar intake in our daily diet. Children
can be limited of up to only 19gms of Sugar in their diet. When we consume a
greater amount of Sugar (10% – 15%) it leads to nutritional deficiencies and it
also causes the bacteria in the mouth and often results in tooth decaying.
Sugar also overloads your liver. Sugar becomes an addiction for many, which
causes immense pain, nausea, and flu-like symptoms during abrupt withdrawal.
Continuous sugar consumption leads to accumulation of fats and liver deposits
which leads to problems. The consumption of limited added sugars and the
natural sugars from fruits doesn’t give any risk of fat accumulation.
Sugar can cause insulin resistance, which
causes cardiovascular risk, obesity, diabetes and other health complications.
Studies reveal that insulin resistance is associated with sugar consumption.
Studies also warm that high consumption of sugars lead to the risk of cancer.
Sugar addictions can be compared to drug addiction as it releases the hormone
Dopamine. It causes a 60% chance of obesity risk in children and adults. The
source comes from the daily sugar included diet and sugar sweetened beverages.
Not surprisingly, people ultimately become overweight and obese. Now the only
thing one can do is cut off sugar in every single bite. It’s the Sugar not the
fat which is causing the Cardio-vascular effects. Evidences show the effect of
fructose on the metabolism leading to cardio risk.
The only thing one can do is to eliminate the
usage of 80% of the processed foods, limiting the amount of fructose in your
diet. Control your Dopamine and stop your cravings and say NO to Sugar. The
best way to avoid high sugar is to pick up Fruits with high water content which
are low in sugar. Do not substitute artificial sugars in your Tea or Coffee as
latest studies revealed a whole lot of risk of cancer and other Health problems
with the addition of artificial sugars in our diet. Keep an eagle eye on all
the nutrition and Sugar labeled canned foods for the Sugar.
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